Moalboal to Siquijor – Ultimate Guide ✔️ Ferries and Buses

Want to know how to go from Moalboal to Siquijor? We’ve done this journey and it’s very interesting!

The journey from Moalboal to Siquijor is very interesting. It’s a journey that takes around 6 to 7 hours and you’ll get to experience all the public transport the Philippines has to offer: the local Ceres bus, a tricycle, a short ferry, and possibly the jeepney before taking a 1 hour fast-craft to Siquijor.

This combination of transport options is required because their is no direct ferry from Moalboal to Siquijor. The only way to reach Siquijor from Moalboal is via a direct ferry from Dumaguete port located on a separate island.

How to get from Moalboal to Siquijor route map
There is no Moalboal to Siquijor ferry – direct ferries depart from Dumaguete port.

Should you happen to be whale watching and want to go from Oslob to Siquijor, you can also follow this guide because the routes are almost identical.

This guide covers both Moalboal to Siquijor and Oslob to Siquijor routes. The only difference in the route is where you take the initial bus ride from, the rest is exactly the same. Everything is explained below.

Moalboal to Dumaguete

Here is a quick visualization of what the route from Moalboal to Siquijor looks like:

Moalboal (or Oslob) → Ceres Bus to Liloan Port (or taxi/transfer) → Ferry to Sibulan port → Tricycle/Jeepney to Dumaguete → fast-craft to Siquijor

Before covering all the logistics, it’s good to know that the final leg of the journey involves taking a ferry or fast-craft from Dumaguete to Siquijor. It’s always a good idea to book the tickets for the fast-craft in advance as it doesn’t make sense to travel all the way from Moalboal to Dumaguete only to find the tickets are sold out for that day. You can →check available tickets for your dates here. You’ll need to book the evening ferry which departs at 7:10pm as you’ll have enough time to travel from Moalboal.

Bus to Liloan Port

“The first part of the trip is to travel to Liloan port located on the Southernmost tip of Cebu island. From here you’ll take a ferry to the next island and be almost in Dumaguete”

There’s a regular schedule of long distance buses going all the way down to South Cebu. The buses travel on both the West coast (Moalboal) and along the East coast (Oslob). You don’t need to book any tickets in advance for this route. Just wait on the main-road where the bus passes from and when you see a green bus with “Ceres” logo on it wave it down.

It would be best to ask at your accommodation where to wait for the bus. Also make sure you’re on the correct side of the road where the bus is heading south. Boarding from the wrong side will result in going in the wrong direction.

The buses don’t stick to a specific schedule but they pass frequently: about every 45 minutes to 1 hour. The bus fare of ₱130 ($2.34) is paid directly to the bus conductor and you should tell them you’re going to Liloan port so the driver will stop you in the right place. The journey from Moalboal to Liloan port is approximately 2 hour.

The bus will stop about 1 km from Liloan port and there will be tricycle drivers waiting to transport passengers. If you choose the tricycle, it shouldn’t cost more than ₱70/₱100 or you can walk as it will only take 10 minutes.

Bus from Oslob

If you’re coming from Oslob the journey time is 1 hour and the price is around ₱65 ($1.17).

You may also consider doing this part of the journey by transfer or taxi. Most accommodations in Moalboal will either offer transfer service or know someone. The duration by transfer would be around 90 minutes from Moalboal to Liloan port and should cost around ₱2200 ($40). If you’re coming from Oslob it’s around a 45 minute ride and shouldn’t cost more than ₱1100 ($20). We didn’t use a transfer for this part of our journey. Please use the prices as a rough guide.

Ferry from Liloan Port to Sibulan Port

The ferry from Liloan Port (Cebu) to Sibulan port (Negros island/Dumaguete) departs every hour, on the hour. Tickets are bought directly from the ferry terminal.

The ferry costs PHP 62 ($1.29) and journey time is 30 minutes.

Getting to Dumaguete

Once you’ve crossed over from Liloan port to Sibulan port, you will need to reach Dumaguete which is around 6km away. You can use a tricycle or the jeepneys for the journey. We used a jeepney and paid ₱20 ($0.40). But since jeepneys have fixed routes we only managed to get so close to the port and ended up walking the final 1km.

The best option is to just negotiate a price with a tricycle driver which should be between ₱100 ($1.80) and ₱150 ($2.70).

Getting to Siquijor

The final part of the journey is to take a ferry from Dumaguete to Siquijor. Most tourists travel by fast-craft as it’s comfortable and safe. However there is a limited schedules with only a departure in the morning and another in the evening.

If you have fixed travel dates and want to avoid any surprises of not finding any available seats, it would be best to →book your fast-craft tickets in advance. This is especially true if you have already booked accommodation in Siquijor.

It doesn’t make sense to travel all the way from Moalboal only to find the tickets are sold out. There is a ferry that departs Dumaguete pier at 7:10 pm and arrives in Siquijor at 8:00 pm. This is the best option and if you leave Moalboal or Oslob by 12:00 (noon) you should arrive in Dumaguete in time for the ferry with room to spare.

“If you arrive early, go to ‘Tom N Toms Coffee’ they nice cold caffes and lattes and also make some really good pasta dishes. It’s quite affordable too!”Click here for exact location

View boat tickets and schedules here.

Where to stay in Siquijor

Most tourists visiting Siquijor stay somewhere in the San Juan area. It’s a seaside area where you’ll find various accommodation options for any budget. There is lots of local and western restaurants to choose from. And it’s the liveliest part of the island with cool beach bars and lounges. There’s a gorgeous beach where you can go snorkeling along colorful coral reefs and loads of fish at the Tubod Marine Sanctuary. Also lots of things to do are nearby including Paliton beach and Lugnason falls.

Below are the TOP 3 recommended places to stay in San Juan for any budget. Every option is close to the beach and lots of restaurants are nearby, so you’re sure to be in a convenient location.

Budget: →RYJ’s Inn (fan room)
Mid Range: →Mariella’s Guest House
Luxury: →Apo Diver Beach Resort

If you’re looking for a place to stay in Siquijor that is more exclusive, then you may want to read or guide for the ↳best resorts in Siquijor. There is some really unique accommodation options scattered around the island and the guide covers everyone that is worth considering.

Are you stopping in Dumaguete?

Dumaguete is a beautiful place that doesn’t really get that much attention. Just outside the city and up into the cooler mountains there is some really incredible activities. Just take a look at Casaroro Falls, a massive cascade plunging down through lush jungle. Or the gorgeous Balinsasayao twin lakes. You can even go to some hot springs up in the mountains of Valencia just 30 minutes drive from Dumaguete city.

Here are 3 amazing places to stay in case you’re spending sometime in Dumaguete.

Pura Vida Beach and Dive Resort would be the number 1 option if you’re for a luxurious place. It sits right next to the beach and offers unbeatable sunset views. If you want to stay close to the main tourist area the definitely stay at Hotel Dumaguete. It’s a mid-range hotel close to the famous promenade and lots of streetfood, restaurants and bars are nearby. The best budget option is Golden Gate Suites because they offer clean and comfortable rooms close to the promenade.

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